Introduction to AWS Config

Introduction to AWS Config

Jun 24, 2024

What is AWS Config? AWS Config is a service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that helps customers assess, audit, and monitor their AWS resources...

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How to Log your VPC queries with Route 53

How to Log your VPC queries with Route 53

May 10, 2024

Amazon Route 53, an Amazon Web Services (AWS) offering, simplifies the management of domain names and their association with online resources. It...

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A Deep Dive into IAM Access Analyzer: Enhancing AWS Security

A Deep Dive into IAM Access Analyzer: Enhancing AWS Security

Feb 12, 2024

Introduction Are you aware of who is gaining access to your resources? If you're uncertain, it's likely time to reassess your IAM policies. IAM...

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Mastering Data Retention & Security: Amazon S3 Object Lifecycle Management

Mastering Data Retention & Security: Amazon S3 Object Lifecycle Management

Jan 19, 2024

Introduction As mid-market organizations move applications and workloads to AWS, the specifics of how to handle cloud-based data become critical....

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Proactive Security: How to Set Up Alerts for IAM Configuration Changes

Proactive Security: How to Set Up Alerts for IAM Configuration Changes

Jan 04, 2024

Securing your cloud environment necessitates not only strong primary safeguards but also robust detection controls to vigilantly monitor and respond...

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Tagging AWS Resources

Tagging AWS Resources

Dec 21, 2023

The benefits of running a cloud-based workload or application are not for dispute. Lower cost, scale, evergreen SaaS and SaaS - they're all...

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Cybersecurity, AWS, Access Key

Enhancing Security in AWS: Rotate Access Keys Regularly

Jun 15, 2023

What are access keys? Access keys are the credentials that AWS uses to identify and authenticate the user or programmatic access to AWS services....

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Cybersecurity, AWS, Amazon Web Services, Security

All About AWS GuardDuty

Jun 08, 2023

What is GuardDuty? GuardDuty is a threat detection service offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that continuously monitors and analyzes network...

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AWS Cybersecurity

Enhancing Security in AWS: Safeguard Your Root User Credentials.

May 17, 2023

The root user credential is a powerful tool that grants users U N R E S T R I C T E D access to Amazon AWS resources. Because of the unlimited access...

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Identity and Access Management, AWS

Enhancing Security in AWS: The Critical Role of Multi-Factor Authentication

May 08, 2023

In today's digital landscape, security is paramount for any organization, and Amazon Web Services (AWS) are no exception. With its vast array of...

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Cybersecurity professionals

Internship Program for Cybersecurity Analyst Position

Apr 13, 2023

Internships are a good way to bring multiple benefits to a company. One can train potential full-time employees and can boost the employees...

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Cybersecurity Team

Stay Ahead of the Game: Monitor Failed Authentications to Prevent Brute Force Attacks

Apr 03, 2023

Why is it in your best interest to monitor failed authentications?

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