Comprehensive threat detection and response across network, endpoints, users, cloud, and applications
Monitoring of your east-west and north-south bi-flow data, firewall logs and firewall traffic, including passive or active response to NTA alerts
Monitoring of your EDR, including passive or active response to endpoint alerts
Securing and monitoring cloud-based software applications like M365 and Google Workspace for threats
Monitoring and protection of your cloud assets like servers, storage, and apps
Evaluating potential risks and identifying threats to organizational security
Identifying and prioritizing weaknesses in systems and networks
Simulated attacks to test security defenses and uncover vulnerabilities
Rapid action and recovery from security breaches or cyber incidents
Training and educating teams about cybersecurity threats and best practices
Strategic guidance and leadership in cybersecurity initiatives and governance
Every day, businesses, especially those lacking mature threat detection and response, are exposed to a myriad of cyber threats - ransomware, phishing, insider attacks, and more. With complex IT environments and a lack of specialized expertise, achieving a comprehensive defense might feel out of reach.