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Data Security Blind Spots Explained

Data Security Blind Spots Explained
Data Security Blind Spots Explained

Modern cybersecurity technologies are among the most advanced tools in the enterprise tech stack. With solutions like database monitoring and intrusion detection systems, many organizations believe they have robust defenses in place. But despite these advances, many still suffer from significant data security blind spots, especially in areas where cloud-enabled solutions should be providing coverage.

Common Security Blind Spots: API Vulnerabilities

A critical, often overlooked aspect of data security is API security. APIs allow external developers to access internal databases and automate data sharing. Despite their widespread use, many organizations fail to properly secure them. IT teams often prioritize securing user accounts, network traffic, and protecting against phishing, while API security falls to the wayside.

Why API Security Is Overlooked

APIs exist at the intersection of database and network security. Small and midsize businesses that outsource API development often assume the API provided by third-party developers is secure, which can lead to blind spots. The biggest pitfall executives face is assuming that API security is static when it must constantly adapt to evolving threats.

Complex API Environments Present Greater Risks

Modern business applications often depend on multiple APIs. According to Imperva, the average enterprise manages 363 APIs, creating a highly complex environment. Cybercriminals can exploit even minor vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access, making it crucial to have comprehensive API security and monitoring in place.

Achieving Comprehensive API Security

To effectively secure APIs, IT teams need visibility into user activity on an individual level. Logging generic service accounts offers little insight into potential security threats, making it difficult to trace unauthorized access. By tracking individual API users, businesses can more easily audit activity and respond to incidents, significantly reducing the risk of data breaches.

Protect Your Data with Gradient’s Security Platform

Gradient's 500-point security analysis provides real-time risk assessments by correlating NetFlow traffic and historical log data. Our security intelligence platform helps businesses of all sizes pinpoint vulnerabilities and take action to strengthen their security posture. Schedule a demo today to learn more about how Gradient can protect your organization.