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Most of all cyber-attacks happen to small businesses and midmarket enterprises. Recent research suggests that human error is involved in more than 90% of these security breaches. A security breach can quickly and easily result in the loss of personally identifiable information (PII), intellectual property (IP), cash money, customers, partners, and brand reputation. And when employees are unprepared, mistakes happen when using email, the web, and even in the physical office creating unnecessary and avoidable risk for the business.

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The Gradient Cyber Solution

Working with our trusted Vector Security Team, you can analyze your human risk, empower your workforce, and secure your business. Our security awareness service is a one-stop solution to building a security-savvy workforce helping you identify users’ security knowledge gaps regarding new attack techniques, conduct simulations and training programs to tackle their individual risk areas, and monitor your human risk over time.





Understand user vulnerability to evolving cyber threats and identify phish-prone users that are susceptible to sophisticated security scams.



Engaging micro-learning moments focused on workplace and home cybersecurity awareness to strengthen user resilience and eliminate employee vulnerability.



Measure and track the impact of employee security awareness training and demonstrate compliance with on-going human risk scoring.

“Gradient Cyber provides great solutions that allow administrators to focus on productivity rather than security.”

- IT Manager, Large US Hospitality Company